2019 Spring Seminar a HUGE Success!

17 Mar 2019 2:39 PM | Kathi McKeown

Many thanks to the many participants in the KDC 2019 Spring Seminar.  Keeneland was a perfect venue for this year's event.  (And what great food!)  Thanks to Claire Parsons and Jarad Key for putting together such a great program!  And thanks to everyone who brought non-perishable food to be donated to God's Pantry in Lexington.  Thanks to our speakers and sponsors -- Zach Berry, David Cades, Christy Cloninger, Michelle Coughlin, Claire Parsons, Tim Potter, Robyn Smith and Alex White -- for assisting us in making it a success.

2019 Fall Seminar, Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon is scheduled for November 14 & 15 at the Louisville Marriott East.  And don't forget our CLE programs.

We look forward to seeing you soon!  

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