Rudolpha A Janata Award

25 Nov 2014 2:41 PM | Kathi McKeown

For those of you who were unable to attend the KDC Fall Seminar, we wanted to share the Rudolph A. Janata Award with all KDC members since each of you plays a part in making the award possible. 


This is the plaque presented to KDC on October 23, 2014 at the Awards Luncheon during the 2014 DRI Annual Meeting in San Francisco.  2013-14 KDC President Kit Hornback accepted the plaque but was only able to keep it for two weeks before passing it to Casey Stansbury, 2014-15 KDC President.  Each year at the Annual Meeting, the plaque will be passed to the next President of KDC as a reminder that we are an award winning organization.


So thanks to all of you for this recognition! 


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