Jason Kuhlman, Mitchell Hall, and Miller Grumley have taken on the task of researching and developing a semi-annual publication for Kentucky Defense Counsel, Inc. ("KDC"). If all goes as planned, the first issue of the 36-page publication will be printed and mailed in mid to late October 2013.
This Committee has done a great job getting organized for the first edition of the publication. However, due to the large amount of work that goes into preparation, they definitely could use some assistance. This is a great opportunity to be part of the Publication Committee.
If you are interested in assisting, please contact:
Jason Kuhlman at (859) 394-6200 or jkuhlman@aswdlaw.com; Mitch Hall at (606) 329-2929 or whall@vmje.com; or, Miller Grumley at (270) 443-0040 or mgrumley@kentuckylawyers.com.
Thank you for your participation in the further growth of KDC!