KDC Welcomes ...

30 Apr 2021 8:27 AM | Kathi McKeown

KDC welcomes its two newest members:

William Brammell of Dressman Benzinger LaVelle PSC, Crestview Hills, University of Kentucky Law School graduate.  Mr. Brammell practices in the areas of Civil Rights, Employment, General Liability, Insurance Coverage and Federal Criminal.  He is sponsored by KDC Director, Ryan McLane.

Enrique Lopez of E Lopez Law PLLC, Edgewood, is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire Law School.  Mr. Lopez practices in the areas of Commercial and Contract law.  He is sponsored by KDC Director, Jeff Mando.

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Kentucky Defense Counsel, Inc. * P.O. Box 1412 * Versailles, KY 40383-1412  ** (859) 338-4761 ** admin@ky-def.org

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