Kentucky Defense Counsel, Inc. * P.O. Box 1412 * Versailles, KY 40383-1412 ** (859) 338-4761 **
Join us this year for the KDC Fall Seminar! On Thursday, registration begins in the Grand Ballroom at 12:15, Opening Remarks start at 12:45, and CLE gets underway at 1:00, and a social gathering will take place immediately following CLE.
On Friday, registration opens at 8:00, Opening Remarks at 8:45 and CLE gets underway at 8:45. Our awards luncheon will take place from 12:00 to 1:15. CLE will conclude no later than 5:00.
You will be hearing presentations from attorneys of all experience levels, the majority of which are KDC members.
1.0 hour of ethics is included in the Friday program.
Many thanks to Tia Combs and Kristen Fowler for organizing this year's event.