Kentucky Defense Counsel, Inc. * P.O. Box 1412 * Versailles, KY 40383-1412 ** (859) 338-4761 **
Jacob L. Fisher, PhD, PE and Chantal Parenteau, PhD of Exponent will present this 1.0 hour CLE program. When considering the spinal health of a growing portion of the population, particularly the increasing number of elderly vehicle occupants, we recognize that a number of degenerative spinal diseases alter the biomechanics of the spine in terms of spine stiffness and loading patterns. In several degenerative spinal diseases, a stiff spine is often accompanied by increased curvature, loss of bone quality, and weaker bone structure. These alterations can affect the spine’s biomechanical response and thus increase the risk of spinal injury, even in minor trauma. This heightened injury risk is particularly acute in the kind of spinal loading that occupants may experience in rear impacts. This can result in serious injuries, including fractures and dislocations, with or without spinal cord injuries and paralysis.
Application for 1.0 hour of general CLE credit has been made to the Kentucky Bar Association.